Suburban Life 2024

I think it is safe to say now that I have failed at my New Year’s goal to ”blog at least once a month”. Oh well, there is always next year. This year there has certainly not been any spare time. Between work, two kids, a new house, and trying to maintain some social and travel life there are always a million things to do. Scheduling things has become extremely complicated, with lots of considerations at every step. When can we do this between school, work and other commitments, is everyone healthy, do we need help with the kids, which activities can we do with each, etc… It’s definitely very full on at the moment, but I am trying to also just ‘live in the moment’ whatever that means… 🙂

Highlights of the year so far: we did manage to have a few ski days, not as many as I would have liked, but it is always tricky between childcare, ski lessons, winter bugs, injuries, etc. Next year we plan to do a proper ski vacation in the Austrian Alps. I have heard very good things about these ”kinderhotels” where they have a lot of child friendly facilities, so I am excited for this. This year between Christmas in Romania, Easer in London and some work travel we stayed here for the February school holidays. We did enjoy the Basel Fasnacht festivities though, which are always a good time. I also did manage to sneak in a girls weekend to Baden Baden in February, which was fantastic. I am definitely doing that again. I really enjoyed the spa, the food, and of course the uninterrupted sleep!

Other than the family visits and activities with the kiddos, we have mainly been sorting things out around the house, and endeavouring to tidy up the garden. It needs a lot of work and most of it is planned for next year, but we want to do what we can ourselves this summer. I do really enjoy gardening, and I think this will only increase as it starts to look nicer. The weather has also been a bit crazy; it was warm, things bloomed, we de-weeded, raked, removed some unwanted shrubs, stumps and things from the garden, then things grew wild while we were away, more things bloomed, and now the weather has turned super cold and we had some snow and a lot of rain. So gardening is proving a tad tricky with these fake springs and second winters. I would have really appreciated this cold spurt in February when we had to cancel kiddo ski lessons at our local mountain due to lack of snow… ah well, win some lose some, as they say.

Another highlight was our trip to London. We managed to see a couple of musicals, eat loads of delicious food, and visit a lot of family and friends. It was a packed trip, as always, but definitely a great time. There are always endless fun things to do in London. The weather was not so great there either, but that did not hinder much. I am glad we have still managed to do some trips, even if they are not super exotic. This year a big focus will be the house and garden, and adjusting to life as a family of four. We do have a bit more travel planned, but nothing crazy. Figuring out what to do with the cat is also always a fun challenge. Let’s see how we go!